Madass Cyber Funk
Whats with the debate over Japan wanting to whale hunt again. Do they need to go out and kill 1000's of whales just to feed the few sick rich bastards that can afford the so called tasty treats. I wonder if they were told that eating a few bits of other peoples finger nail clippings each day would keep them alive another 5yrs, that they would start culling people for their nails.
In this day and age with the fast extinction of many speicies of animals and plants happening every day from mans persistent over use and explotation of all things given to us by some "So called god" do we really need to be slaughtering a speicies just to give a select few some magical life potion. After all that was said and done at the Korean Whale Debate it turns out that Japan can still cull as many whales as they like because of a loop hole in the treaty about scientific research.
When are we as a speicies going to realise that animals are here not just to feed us but to keep our world in balance. Where I live we have noticed a vast swing in weather patterns, which I'm sure some of you have noticed over the years ie: Drop in the amount of rainfall, extreme cold to extreme heat in parts of the world to ozone depletion caused by the rampart raping of our forests.
It all seems to come down to a select few people who have the major slice of the ecconomic and industrial pie that are not willing to give up anything if it makes money for their pockets. Too many times we have witnessed the rape and pilage of the enviroment in countries and oceans done by companies from somewhere else. I think that this world is heading for a shock in the ass when we don't stop those few who are killing our planet just so they can live in squalour.
Maybee we should give the power back to all people not just the chosen few.

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